I think it’s good for us to be a tad introspective every now and again. So today, let’s take a few minutes to honestly assess our email newsletters and see if we’re really doing what we need to be doing.
This assessment is meant for each of us to perform on our own email newsletters, but if you think this newsletter falls short in one of the areas, feel free to point it out – I’m always interested in improving the quality of my newsletter!
Simply answer Yes/No to the following questions as honestly as you can, then add up your score…
1. Do you have an email newsletter?
2. Does your email newsletter have a pre-determined schedule that readers can expect (i.e. every Monday, first Thursday of the month, etc.)?
3. Can you, off the top of your head, explain exactly who the targeted audience of your newsletter is?
4. Does your newsletter include content that is meant to help the reader (rather than just sell to them)?
5. If you were the average reader of your newsletter, would you feel inclined to share your newsletter content with a friend or coworker?
6. Is your subscriber base consistently growing?
7. Does your newsletter design include an area where you can announce news about your company?
8. Do you offer newsletter subscribers special benefits outside of your great content (like occasional specials or discount pricing)?
9. Does each issue include at least one way to drive traffic from the email to your business’ website?
10. Does your newsletter include contact information for your business?
Alright! Now add up the number of “Yes” responses you entered and multiply that number by 10. That’s roughly the percentage of “maximum newsletter effectiveness” your current newsletter is providing. For example, if you could honestly answer yes to 8 of the questions above, you are running at about 80% maximum effectiveness.
The best part is that in order to reach full effectiveness, you can just go back and address the questions that received a “No” answer.
My marketing consultants are always ready to help you achieve maximum effectiveness. Call 800-628-1804 to speak to your consultant about your newsletter. If time is your problem, check out our email newsletter product and reach your full newsletter potential.
Full disclosure time: Let me know your score in the comments!
Source: http://www.postcardmania.com/wordpress/2012/05/3-minute-email-newsletter-assessment/
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